Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sinuous Lines: quiz on 10/2 on recent notes

Fine Arts / Sinuous lines / Trudeau

1. Phoenicia was an ancient civilization centered in the north of Canaan, with its heartland along the coastal regions of modern day Lebanon, Syria and Israel .
2. Jabal is Arabic for a) monument b) mountain c) knife wound d) mascara.
3. Spain makes the biggest part of what we refer to as the Iberian Peninsula. It was a name bestowed by the Romans.
4. The Muslim Arabs invaded Christian Europe by land. T / False
5. Repondez, s’il vous plait must mean a) thank you for attending this event b) best regards and warmest hugs c) please tell us whether you’re attending d) if you must, then go with our blessings.
6. The Times review of Abby Singer’s Bistro notes that “My friend scrapped off the onions — not an onion person myself, I couldn't blame her.” That was a) illiterate in at least 2 ways b) a marvelous moment to share with the reader.
7. The two principal elements of a review, according to your teacher, are description and evaluation .
8. Sparta vs Athens the wars that took place about 400 BCE on the Peloponnesus Peninsula.
8. To the Greeks, women withholding intimate contact from their husbands - to stop the war - seems to be a clever, if ridiculous, idea. We see it explored in a play by Aristophanes called Ly sis trata.
9. Characterized by sinuous, asymmetrical lines based on plant forms, this style was used in architecture, interior design, graphic art and design, jewelry, and glass. It was international in scope and was called art nouveau
10. Phillipe Petit was a wire walker, unicyclist, magician, mime and practiced one less savory pursuit: pick pocket.
11. USA Today and the Shreveport Times have something in common: ownership by a voracious company called Gannett.
12. David Macaulay won a degree in design from a highly prestigious school (if little known here) the a tiny state of Rhode island .
13. Pedagogy: an ancient term for the profession of teaching.
14. The accepted body of knowledge of a culture as presented in encyclopedias and great books and college curricula: the canon of that society.
15. Which famous author wrote The Metamorphosis? Franz Kafka

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