Tuesday, October 7, 2008

20th century artist powerpoint project

The 20th century visualists are the people you read about and hear about and are the subject of Tv shows and movies. Picasso, Haring, Matisse. Let's begin our education on these lives and the work they produced. One of the best ways to do that is to teach each other about these topics.

Find a list of modern art movements and artists below and (acc to your class number, please) create a 10-slide powerpoint presentation on that item. The written material should be brief but complete - and self-explanatory. There should be no narration needed.
- Use images in all 10 slides.
- Slide one should include a torrid title and explanatory subtitle.
- Last slide should include sources.

Due on Mon. I'm looking forward to publishing many of them online.
15 pts.

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