Monday, October 22, 2012

Qahwah Quiz: the roots and travels of kaffe'

Qahwah Quiz

1. Coffee was developed by people in SW Asia on the __ Peninsula.
2. The coffee bean originated in NW Africa in the nation of __ .
3. The ___ and the Spectator, London news and gossip publications of the 18th century, were written by men who spent long hours in coffee houses.
4. Coffee developed within the long history and ample territory of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans ruled the Mid east from the nation of __ .
5. The European nation best known for the development of coffee is __ .
6. A once-independent city-state that facilitated the trade between Europe and the Middle East. It was a point for importing coffee culture into Western Europe: __ .
7. Coffee was sanctioned by two religions: __ and Islam.
8. Smoke from a huqqa is made cooler by the fine droplets of moisture vacuumed from the vase along with the smoke. T / F


tawny said...

The blog says Egypt AND Yemen introduced coffee to Europe. Which one is right? I'm also having a hard time finding the capital nation of the Ottoman Empire? Is it Constantinople, Yemen, or Turkey?

tawny said...

I also see no notes on the blog or in my notes about the cooling of the hookah. Where can I find the answer to that question please?