Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pantheon: marble, granite and bronze

Temple of Seven Gods: the original Pantheon

1. Granite columns of the __ style.

2. It has the world's largest, unreinforced __ dome.

3. Columns were quarried in the nation of __ .

4. The __ __ sculpture originally installed in the pediment was lost ages ago.

5. The drum of the building surrounds a room called the __ .

6. The oculus on the roof is matched by a __ in the marble floor.

7. The height and diameter of the interior are __ in proportion.

8. The horizontal space above the capitals and below the pediment is called the __ ; it contains the name Marcus Agrippa.

9. It was rebuilt and dedicated to Agrippa by the Emperor __ .

10. Agrippa's military success, acc to Wikipedia, was connected with the death of one of the most famous rulers of Egypt: __ .

11. Sunken panels called __ decorate and strengthen the dome.

12. The Greek letter of the Golden ratio, 1.61, is widely used in math, art and architecture: __ .

13. The Greek letter which refers to the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter: __ .

14. The language of the ancient Lebanese, or __, was the father to the Greek language.

15. In the European world the Greek alphabet was succeeded by the __ alphabet.

16. In 3 sentences describe the impressive features of the Pantheon as well as the influence of the temple's design.

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