Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pablo Picasso presentations 15 pts.

A long life, full of striving and art energy

1. Birth on the Med through his youth on the Atlantic.
2. Art school and Barcelona.
3. The early, impecunious years in Paris.
4. Museums in Paris.
5. Blue period.
6. Photography, a sort of hidden aspect.
7. Cubism and collaborator George Bracque.
8. Map of the life of Picasso.
9. The Rose Period.
10. Picasso and Matisse.
11. The story of Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.
12. Seeing the influence of African masks in Picasso.
13. Collage and papier colle.
14. The entire story of Guernica.
15. Monumental nudes and monsters.
16. Sculpture.
17. Drawings, illustrations, stage design.
18. Picasso loved ceramics.
19. Garrets to villas: Picasso's long series of abodes.
20. The ubiquitous dove.
21. With Gertrude Stein.
22. Early girlfriend Fernande Olivier.
23. Marcelle Humbert / Eva Gouel.
24. Olga Khokhlova and marriage.
25. Marie Therese Walter, the teen.
26. Dora Maar.
27. Picasso and the Nazis.
28. Francoise Gilot. And the children, Claude and Paloma.
29. Jacqueline Roque.
30. Picasso's philosophy of art and life.
31. Picasso's taverns, restaurants and hotels.
32. The minotaur, bull and harlequin in Picasso's work.

5 images of Picasso's work.
Bulleted notes (3 or 4 items, 3 - 4 words each) atop the images.
One page an appropriate map and documentation.
Last page 3 mult-choice questions (and answers).
One week. Alpha order. 15 pts.

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