Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Recycled metal mustang / possible Caddo Magnet HS project

Fine arts students should help in the process of exploring the recycled metals mustang project.

Research . . .
- variety of images
- construction techniques
- size
- mounting
- locations
- function(s)
- format: free-standing, relief, etc.

Maquette (small model of proposed sculpture)

From PTSA pres Amanda Bertrand:
**Mustang Sculpture Project**
We are attempting to gather the metal objects needed for the Mustang Sculpture Project that will placed in the courtyard. This will be a life size sculpture made from pieces and parts submitted by the students. We are primarily focusing on rusty metal but may use some items made of alternative metals. Some of the items we are considering in the construction of the sculpture might be:
Saw blades
Garage door or other springs
Steel posts or beams
Rusty tools
Discarded hardware
Nuts and bolts
Plow discs
Piping and tubing
Farming implements
Railroad spikes
Scrap angle iron and plate
Car or motorcycle parts
Propane or other metal gas tanks
Metal gears
Wagon wheels
Chain or shackles
Pipe fittings
Steel bicycle rims or parts
Horse shoes
Brake drums
Machinery repair parts
I-beam or channel iron
Copper wiring
Discarded shovel or rake heads
Industrial lighting fixtures
Drill bits
Metal cable
Metal rings
Discarded hot water heaters
Other interesting metal objects
Metal hubcaps

All rusty metal will be considered. Keep in mind that these are just ideas.
The possibilities are endless…
Be creative and think of items that might resemble horse anatomy.
More information will follow. Message this site for drop-off instructions.

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