Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Alternative to college and the white collar world: becoming an artisan

Artisans D'Angkor
Originally uploaded by spOt_ON
An artisan or artizan (from French: artisan, Italian: artigiano) or craftsman (craftsperson)[1] is a skilled manual worker who makes items that may be functional or decorative, says Wikipedia.
Exs -
furniture, sculpture, clothing, jewellery, furniture, tools or even machines such as the handmade devices of a watchmaker.

An artisan is therefore a person engaged in or occupied by the practice of a craft, who may through experience and talent reach the expressive levels of an artist using his hands, mind and heart in his work and what he creates.

Some examples -

- wooden boats
- guitars (luthier)
- organ pipes (metallurgy)
- sea salt
- herbal olive oil
- soaps
- custom fabrics
- treehouses
- saddles
- chimes, bells
- carburetors
- beers
- paper and print

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