Friday, January 8, 2010

Fine Arts Survey semester exam . . .

Please file all your GoogleDoc papers under a folder for me - no later than Sun at 5 pm.
Checklist -
1. Jazz presentation - Miles and a comparison
2. Manhattan quiz
3. PIcasso to Warhol presentation
4. Pollock movie review
5 Essay on the Significance of Picasso
6.Picasso Project presentation (10 images, 10 mult-choice questions)
7. Review of a performance for Nov.
8. Review of a performance for Dec.
All scored at 15 pts.

Fine Arts semester exam / Trudeau

C 1. Shallow-space still-lifes, employing illusionistic devices such as the use of shadows to cause small objects to appear to exist above the surface of the painting. Painted so as to "fool the eye." a) pret a manger b) non sequitur c) trompe l'oeil d) le sommelier.
C 2. The artist systematically transfers the image from the photographic slide onto canvases by projecting the slide onto the canvas or by using traditional grid techniques. a) surrealism b) graffiti c) photorealism d) pointillism.
C 3. Opening recommended for your descriptive essays: a) evaluation of the work
b) names of people involved c) vivid description d) significance of the event.
B 4. American painter and photographer who achieved fame as a photorealist, through his massive-scale portraits. A collapse in 1988 left him paralyzed but he continues to work. a) Alberto Hinojosa b) Chuck Close c) Jean-Michel Basquiat d) Shepard Fairey.
B 5. Greek goddess of victory: a) Daedalus b) Nike c) Athena d) Ionia.
B 6. Historic period marked by the spread of Greek language and philosophy: a) Greco-Roman b) Hellenistic c) Athenian d) Aegean.
A 7. A trove of realistic Greek sculpture of the golden age can notably be found in the
a) British Museum b) National Sculpture Gallery, Wash, DC c) Kimball Art Museum, Ft Worth d) The Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg.
A 8. The acropolis of Athens: a) peak overlooking the city b) classical temple
c) Athena, the city's goddess d) philosophical peak of the golden age.
D 9. Sculpture featured in the RW Norton Art Foundation gallery: a) Dean and Delucca
b) Dolce and Gabbana c) Ptolemy and Plutarch d) Remington and Russell.
B 10. "This might well be on your next test!" a) Sotto voce b) Nota bene c) Ad hoc
d) Sic transit gloria.
C 11. Considered the progenitor of modern sculpture, this artist's work departed from traditional themes of mythology and allegory and modeled the human body with realism, and celebrated individual character and physicality. a) Lysippos of Alexandria b) Alexander Calder c) Auguste Rodin d) Jean Dubuffet.
A 12. "testy, thick-skinned, thoughtless, threatening, tight, timid, tired, tiresome, troubled, truculent, typical, undesirable, unsuitable, unsure:"
a) adjectives b) adverbs c) nouns d) sobriquets.
D 13. Preferable vocab for your writing in Fine Arts: a) "Great!" b) "Terrific!" c) "Crisp!" d) "Unctuous!" e) "Lapidary!"
A 14. Capital city of Senegal: a) Dakar b) Maputo c) Lagos d) Fez.
B 15. Sings in Wolof, inspired by sufis, band's name is the Super Etoile: a) Adnan Kashoggi b) Youssou n'Dour c) Nina Simone d) Jhene.
A 16. Swahili: a) East Africa b) Mediterranean Africa c) Arabian peninsula d) West Africa.
A 17. African region with most intimate relationship with the US: a) West Africa b) East Africa c) Mediterranean Africa d) Southern Africa.
C 18. The Pharaonic civilisation, one of the world's earliest and longest-lasting societies: a) West Africa b) East Africa c) Mediterranean Africa d) Southern Africa.
D 19. The wealthiest part of the continent. Deposits of gold and diamonds, rich farmland and additional minerals: a) West Africa b) East Africa c) Mediterranean Africa d) Southern Africa.
B 20. The Rift Valley is considered the home of human kind. It is considered by most paleoanthropologists to be the oldest inhabited territory on Earth: : a) West Africa b) East Africa c) Mediterranean Africa d) Southern Africa.
A 21. Gold mines were the source of the power of the Yoruba, Ghana and Songhai Empires: a) West Africa b) East Africa c) Mediterranean Africa d) Southern Africa.
A 22. Darius the Great: a) Iran b) Iraq c) Saudi Arabia d) Afghanistan.
A 23. A sculptured artwork in which a modelled form is raised from a plane from which the main elements of the composition project: a) relief b) frieze c) free-standing d) pediment.
A 24. SUMAS features African art from the major art-producing regions of Africa, including Mali, Nigeria, the Ivory Coast of West Africa, Cameroon, and the Congo. a) West Africa b) East Africa c) Mediterranean Africa d) Southern Africa.
B 25. It houses one of the most comprehensive collections of Spanish art outside of Spain, with works dating from the tenth to the twentieth century: a) Dallas Museum of Art b) Meadows Museum of Art c) Nasher Sculpture Center d) Crow Collection of Asian Art.
C 26. Alexander Calder, Willem de Kooning, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Auguste Rodin, Richard Serra: a) Dallas Museum of Art b) Meadows Museum of Art c) Nasher Sculpture Center d) Crow Collection of Asian Art.
A 27. Piano and harpsichord keys, violin, guitar, and cello fingerboards, endpieces, pegs and chinrests. Traditionally, black piano and harpsichord keys and the black pieces in chess: a) ebony b) teak c) maple d) mahogany.
A 28. African sculpture was influential in the work of European artists such as Picasso and a) Magritte b) Van Gogh c) Dali d) Matisse.
A 29. Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz had one more name: a) Picasso b) Warhol c) Cezanne d) el Greco.
B 30. Picasso's portrayal of the German bombing of a Spanish town during the Spanish Civil War: a) d' Avignon b) Guernica c) Seville d) Madrid.
D 31. The sharp mind and free manner of an American writer and collector who would become one of Picasso's most important patrons was captured in a famous portrait. a) Alice B Toklas b) Eleanor Roosevelt c) Ella Fitzgerald d) Gertrude Stein.
B 32. Most of this European nation was an African colony from 711 to 1492 CE. It was controlled by the African Arabic/Berber Muslims known as the Moors. The Islamic invaders engendered lovely creations in the arts: architecture, music, design, etc. a) France b) Spain c) Portugal d) Italy.
C 33. The Helga Pictures are a compilation of tempera and dry brush paintings, watercolours and pencil studies secretly created within a span of over fifteen years by one of the most august of American painters: a) Pablo Picasso b) Andy Warhol
c) Andrew Wyeth d) Norman Rockwell.
B 34. Like Lennon & McCartney, Pablo Picasso was competitive with his peers. He both worked with and in an effort to top fellows like:
a) Jackson Pollock b) Henri Matisee c) Chuck Close d) Richard Serra.
D 35. Picasso would have served you a supper of a) tortellini b) sauerkraut c) mughal curry d) paella.
B 36. The Spanish peninsula was occupied by the Romans and, later, by the North African Moors. The peninsula is called a) Apulia b) Iberia c) Anatolia d) Barcelona.
A 37. Seville, Cordova, Granada: these are the Moorish cities of Spain's southern region. It is known as a) Andalusia b) Navarre c) Valencia d) Aragon.
C 38. The region of Paris historically notable for pimps, eccentrics, anarchists, students and artists: a) Bastille b) le Louvre c) Montmartre d) Champs Elysees.
C 39. The dramatic figure of the Harlequin may be related to the weekday of Wednesday via the antecedent of a) Zanni b) Hellequin c) Woden d) Arlecchino.
A 40. Which order of production is correct? a) opium>morphine>heroin b) heroin>opium>morphine c) morphine>opium>heroin.
C 41. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon were a group of young women in a brothel in a) Madrid b) Paris c) Barcelona d) Malaga.
C 42. We can see that Picasso saw himself as a shaman, an intermediary between the human and spirit worlds, by his display of influence from a) surrealism b) cubism c) Africa d) mythology.
B 43. Chinese influence in Paris: a) Lapin Agile b) Les Deux Magots c) Harlequins d) opium.
B 44. This figure dwelled at the heart of the Cretan labyrinth: a) Harlequin b) minotaur c) Alhambra d) Odysseus.
T 45. The Spanish Civil War featured a Fascist force versus an anti-government rebel force. T / F
D 46. Gynophobia: a) fear of exercise b) fear of witches c) fear of female physicians d) fear of women.
A 47. Exaggerated male attitude: a) machismo b) pacifism c) misogyny d) fascism.
B 48. Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Amish, Mennonites: a) machismo b) pacifism c) misogyny d) fascism.
C 49. Mapping the life of Picasso: 1. Malaga 2. Barcelona 3. ___ 4. Paris 5. Provence region of France 6. Cote d'Azur of France. a) London b) Valencia c) Madrid d) Seville.
B 50. Andy Warhol was born and raised near a) NYC b) Pittsburgh c) Philadelphia
d) Washington, DC.
B 51. Warhol used the silk screen process to make a) paintings b) prints c) sculptures d) photos.
C 52. Warhol was quite successful in his first career: a) filmmaker b) writer
c) illustrator d) fashion designer.
A 53. In the early 1960's critics were scandalized by Warhol's open embrace of a) materialism b) avant garde attitudes c) drugs and sex d) social protest.
B 54. Picasso's women: a) Olga> Marie-Therese> Francoise> Dora> Jacqueline. b) Olga> Marie-Therese> Dora> Francoise> Jacqueline.
B 55. Kiss, Eat and Sleep were movies by Warhol that were inspired by avant garde composer LaMonte Young's musical compositions. All were works that could be called a) kinetic b) static c) tectonic d) semiotic.
A 56. Many of Warhol's films explored his longstanding interest in a) homosexuality b) heterosexuality c) asexuality d) auto-eroticism.
F 57. In the second phase of Warhol's filmmaking (Flesh, Trash, and Heat, also, Andy Warhol's Dracula and Andy Warhol's Frankenstein) he worked in Hollywood. T / F
A 58. Warhol's pop art is interpreted as a reaction against the abstract expressionism of painters like a) Jackson Pollock b) Keith Haring c) Chuck Close d) Thomas Hart Benton.
T 59. Pop art is laden with irony, and as such should be viewed as a non-literal commentary on the culture. T / F
C 60. Pop art and your teacher's posting of an image from a Cheezit box: a) he loves snacks made of wheat flour, vegetable oil, sharp yellow cheese, salt, and spices. b) he loves the graphic design chosen by Kellogg c) he appreciates the seductiveness of a well-designed image from the mass media.
T 61. Kitsch refers to objects that may seem charming to the less-sophisticated consumer but be seen as banal (trite, commonplace, hackneyed, trivial, platitudinous, corny, common) by the educated viewer. T / F
B 62. Among many renditions of the US flag there is the 1954 version by a NYC artist who was part of the Robert Rauschenberg-John Cage group. It was a pre-pop art image. He was a) Andy Warhol b) Jasper Johns c) Marcel Duchamp d) Merce Cunningham.
A 63. The audacious Mexican muralist: a) Diego Rivera b) Frida Kahlo
c) Alberto Garcia d) Juan Rodriguez.
C 64. The Mexican muralist, an art lion in the 1930's, was given a great NYC commission during the Depression. He painted a mass of men in a composition called Man at the Crossroads. One of the figures was Vladimir Lenin. The work was removed by powerful benefactor __ . a) Cornelius Vanderbilt. b) JP Morgan c) Nelson Rockefeller d) Henry Clay Frick.
C 65. John Cage's classical composition "4' 33"" is arguably one of the world's most notable pieces. That's because it is a) very, very brief b) played by a naked pianist - in the nude c) no notes are played d) it is 4' 33" of silence.
C 66. Cage proposed that Any sounds constitute, or may constitute, ___ . a) noise
b) life c) music d) sound itself.
F 67. The importance of the work that Robert Rauschenberg produced, in 1951, via a series of white paintings, seemingly "blank" canvases (though painted with white house paint), is that the painting is utterly blank. Nada. Zip. T / F
B 68. Collages formed of both painting materials and everyday objects such as clothing and urban debris were called Combines by artist __. a) Jasper Johns
b) Robert Rauschenberg c) Andy Warhol d) Robert Motherwell.
B 69. Traditional movie film was produced in 3 sizes: a) 8 mm (Super 8), b) 16 mm and c) 35 mm. Today there's also 70 mm for Imax films. Which one was used for most indy or art movies? ___
C 70. These artists died young. But which one was younger at the end? a) Jackson Pollock b) Andy Warhol c) Michel Basquiat.
A 71. These artists lived long lives. Which one was oldest when he passed?
a) Pablo Picasso b) Robert Rauschenberg c) Alexander Calder.
B 72. Which one of these 1960's stars was associated with Warhol? a) Twiggy
b) Edie Sedgwick c) Jane Fonda d) Raquel Welch.
A 73. Schooled in both the US and Paris, one fellow seems to be responsible for the kinetic art called wire sculpture or the mobile. a) Alexander Calder b) Robert Rauschenberg c) Andy Warhol d) Robert Motherwell.
A 74. One of the many stories about the financial significance of the abstract impressionists' work is the one about the National Gallery of Australia. They bought a __ work in 1973 for some $2 million. The high price caused a scandal. Today the painting has been appraised at $200 million. a) Jackson Pollock b) Andy Warhol c) Michel Basquiat d) Pablo Picasso.
A 75. The definition is a fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole. It can be found in nature (clouds, snow flakes, etc) or in mathematic designs: a) fractal b) Kirlian image c) abstraction d) deconstruction.
A 76. In the 1950's the capital of excitement in cultural activity shifted from its long-time home of __ to a new home: __ . a) Paris, NYC b) Paris, London c) London, NYC
d) Paris, Los Angeles.
C 77. This artist "refused to separate fine art and commerce." a) Jasper Johns
b) Robert Rauschenberg c) Andy Warhol d) Pablo Picasso.
D 78. Dapper dress, elegant manners and handsomeness gave this jazz artist a distinctive nickname: a) Louis Satchmo Armstrong b) Miles Davis c) John Trane Coltrane d) Duke Ellington.
B 79. Which was chronologically earlier? a) Big band jazz b) Dixieland c) Bebop d) Jazz rock.
A 80. Which was chronologically second? a) Big band jazz b) Dixieland c) Bebop d) Jazz rock.
A 81. Which is most often said to be the most characteristic element of jazz? a) improvisation b) syncopation c) use of blue notes d) polyrhythms.
D 82. Which was the earlier form of American music? a) jazz b) blues c) ragtime d) spirituals.
D 83. New Orleans is pinched by 2 bodies of water: a) Lake Pontchartrain, the Gulf of Mexico b) Gulf of Mexico, Lake Borgne c) Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi R. d) Mississippi R, Lake Pontchartrain.
A 84. Slaves danced weekly in the colonial capital of Louisiane. The name of their dance grounds reflected one of many tribal affiliations: a) Congo b) Angola
c) Orleans d) Vieux.
A 85. Class literature implies that among the earliest European instruments mastered by slaves was the a) violin b) trumpet c) guitar d) piano.
B 86. Which was the place of origin for jazz? a) Storyville, the legal red light district of the Crescent City b) marching bands in the streets of the city.
A 87. The movement of Black Americans from the South to the North is called the Great Migration. It can also be called the a) diaspora b) exodus c) rift d) renaissance.
A 88. The earliest movement of Jazz: from New Orleans to a) Chicago b) NYC
c) Kansas City d) Washington, DC.
C 89. New Orleanian Louis Armstrong, the king of jazz, is buried in a) New Orleans b) Paris c) NYC d) Chicago.
A 90. Louisiana term for people of mixed ethnic background, esp. a mixture of French, Spanish, native American and Afro-Caribbean: a) Creole b) mulatto c) quadroon d) octaroon.
B 91. "Break it down," "chops," "crib," "daddy-o," "dig" and similar words were jazz
__, words that indicated that you were an insider. a) hipsters b) shibboleths
c) slurs d) blues words.
A 92. The birth of jazz is said to be some __ years ago. a) 100 b) 150 c) 80 d) 60.
A 93. Broadway: a) North-South b) East-West c) Bronx-Manhattan-Brooklyn.
A 94. Empire State Bldg. is at 34th St and a) Fifth Ave b) Broadway c) 42nd St.
B 95. NYU: a) Central Park b) Greenwich Village c) Harlem d) Upper West Side.
D 96. Greenwich Village: a) Upper West Side b) Upper East Side c) Above Midtown d) Above SoHo.
A 97. Lower East Side: a) Brooklyn Bridge b) George Washington Bridge c) Lincoln Tunnel d) Staten Is Ferry.
A 98. Wall St / Financial District: a) New Amsterdam b) Greenwich Village c) Harlem
d) Upper East Side.
A 99. The NYSE is closest to a) 1st St b) 34th St c) 42nd St d) 155th St
A 100. Harlem: a) Above Central Park b) South of Theater District c) Midtown d) Lower East Side.

1 comment:

Nasher said...

Question B69 is iffie...9.5 was as standard as (standard and super)8mm for many years, and 70mm was used to shoot masses of movies, (not just present day for Imax,) which were then shown in 35 or 70 mm.