Friday, January 15, 2010

Jesuit Church in Vienna

Jesuit Church in Vienna
Originally uploaded by *manuela*
The 18th century, or 1701 - 1800, was important in Fine Arts thusly (selected notes),

- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Austrian composer
- JS Bach, German composer
- Antonio Vivaldi, Italian composer

- Antonio Stradivari, Italian violin maker
- Piano, first one, built by Bartolomeo Cristofori
- Steam Engine invented by Thomas Newcomen
- Steamboat invented by Claude de Jouffroy
- Antoine Lavoisier discovers the law of conservation of mass, the basis for chemistry, and begins modern chemistry
- Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, German physicist and engineer

- William Blake, English artist and poet
- Jacques-Louis David, French painter
- Jane Austen, English writer
- Voltaire, French writer and philosopher
- Jonathan Swift, Anglo-Irish satirist
- One Thousand and One Nights translated into French by Antoine Galland.
- The French Encyclopédie
- A Dictionary of the English Language by Samuel Johnson

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