Friday, August 17, 2012

One-page essay on Frida Kahlo due Aug 21-22

No more than a one-page essay on the passion of Frida Kahlo as seen in her work. On the other hand, make it close to one page so that you do not short yourself on description.

Typed at 1.5 spaces, 18 pt Arial font.

Open with a description of an image from Frida's work and state your theme based upon images from that painting.

Describe and use as your basis for essay 2 more paintings. Explain what we can learn about her life from the elements in each painting. Use paintings that are not similar so that more of her story comes to light.

End your second sentence with the attribution "according to to"

If you use additional sources, such as Discovering Art History, please document informally.

Jazzy title.
Grammar, construction, spelling.
15 pts.

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