Monday, March 14, 2011

Basquiat postcard project / due in one week; 12 pts

Originally uploaded by paul nine-o
Post cards were the best of Basquiat's early merch efforts. In a famous moment in his early, wannabe days, he sold a couple of postcards to Warhol.

Our postcard will have 2 goals:
1. To send to someone who will be delighted to get a piece of mail art.
2. To memorialize the elements of Basquiat's work so we can remember them and use them later.

- Use B's words, colors, designs, and style.
- Almost entirely colored. Bold, primary colors.
- Collage 2 small photos of yourself as in the photobooth images used by both B and Warhol.
- Quote his satiric phrases and words. He is, after all, a poet.
- Strike through some of what you print in repeated format.
- Include the crown motif. Additional motifs: skulls, heads, hands.

12 pts.

Digital version:
- Assemble at least 6 panels into a synthetic Basquiat composition.

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