Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Espana, or Spain: the basics of Picasso's and Magnet's home nation

map Spain
Originally uploaded by fidel_angelov
Magnet's founder, Mrs. Ascension Delgado-Arias Smith, was born and raised in Seville, Spain. Her school was a classic European private academy and she knew that it would be an effective model for an American magnet school. So Magnet was partly birthed in Sevilla, in the region called Andalusia.

Most of Spanish was an African colony from 711 to 1492 CE. It was controlled by the African Arabic/Berber Muslims known as the Moors. The Islamic invaders engendered lovely creations in the arts (architecture, music, design, etc). And they called Southern Spain, home to both Ascension Smith and Pablo Picasso, Al Andalus (Andalusia).

Also important to Picasso's life was his time in Barcelona. Of course, he went to Madrid for his major period of study. Following his time in Madrid he moved to Paris and did not look back.

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