Monday, April 27, 2009

Fine Arts Survey and cuisine: from California Roll sushi to a Michelin 3-star Bistro

Cuisine Project in Fine Arts:

The key to studying foreign and high cuisines is expanding one's awareness of ingredients, of classic dishes, of chefs and traditions, of types of restaurants and of vocabulary and literature.

Each student will choose a type of cuisine and make a presentation using no less than 10 images.
Each image will have
- brief, bulleted info on the category / nationality
- dish names
- ingredients
- cooking styles
- notable chefs and authors, where appilcable
- map

Due Mon, May 4
15 pts
Google Docs

Cusine Francaise
- restaurant is from the French "restuare," to rest.
- Escoffier and other chefs have written guides to the elaborate sauces of classic cooking
- Each region has its own cuisine as well as wines: Bordeaux, Burgundy, etc
- Cheeses, fromage, are equally important. Ex: brie, camembert, roquefort.
- Kings of France and the wealthy class of Europe have driven the art of French cuisine to a rarified height.
- to sautee (a French term also used in dance) le champignons in sauce buerre is an example of the vocab known by gourmets across the world.

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