Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reviewing the cultural and artful side of Shreveport: the shisha at Mona's Cafe

Indie work, aka independent writing for bonus points, will reflect the art of the critical review.

The critic is a writer devoted to both description and evaluation. And that is the rubric for grading your essays.

Description will address decor, ingredients, appearance, smells, colors, and mood. Description is a relatively non-biased activity.

Evaluation is a considered judgment and measurement which is expected to be opinionated. It will address qualities under the general heading of appealing or, perhaps, puzzling.

Here's an example of critical writing on Mona's Cafe which is light-hearted yet descriptive and evaluative.

Additionally, we have discussed the value of the modern review: a droll commentary on video to be perhaps aimed at the Youtube audience. It should also be based on the classic standards: description and evaluation.

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