Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Quiz, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Edward Albee

Name the speaker for quotes 1 - 13. George, Martha, Nick, Honey

1. "Will you show her where we keep the, uh, euphemism?"
2. "In my mind, you are buried in cement right up to the neck. No, up
to the nose — it's much quieter."
3."I hope that was an empty bottle! You can't afford to waste good liquor."
4. "Never mix, never worry!"
5. "Unless you're carrying on like a hyena, you're not having any fun."
6. "Don't worry about it! Anybody who comes here ends up getting
testy; it's expected! Don't be upset!"
7. "They're dancing like they (have) danced before."
8. "There was a second back there — yeah, there was a second, just a
second — when I could have gotten through to you, when maybe we could
have cut through all this, this CRAP! But it's past, and I'm not gonna
9. "To you, everybody's a flop!"
10. "I disgust me."
11. "Someone who can keep learning the games we play as quickly as I
can change them."
12. "Truth or illusion; you don't know the difference."
13. "A drowning man takes down those nearest."
14. Northeast state in which the WAVW college is located. __
15. Welsh actor who won fame playing King Arthur in the musical
"Camelot." Also appeared in the movie "Cleopatra." __ __
16. One exploration of WAVW is that of the facade of married couples.
What's the name for the diacritical mark that makes the hard C sound
into an S sound? ___
17. In 1966-67 WAVW won the Pulitzer Prize for literature. T / F
18. US president who was in office when the play of WAVW debuted (1962). ____
19. English author, essayist, publisher, and writer of short stories, regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the
twentieth century.
20. Word that begins with "n" that means "ready or suitable for marriage by virtue of age or maturity."

Discussion of the answers
1.G 2.G 3.M 4.H 5.G 6.G 7.H 8.M 9.N 10.M 11.M 12.M 13.M 14.Conn 15.Richard Burton 16.cedilla 17.False 18.JFK 19.Virginia Woolf 20.nubile

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