Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Clasically American art: the murals and paintings of Thomas Hart Benton

Benton set the tone for American illustration in the 1920's and 30's. An example: the murals at La State Exhibit Museum are influenced by Benton.

An example of gentrification - "The old Ogilvie Hardware Building under the Spring and Market street viaducts in downtown Shreveport has been sold, with plans to convert it to loft-style apartments," says

"The building, which was built in 1926 and is included in the National Register of Historic Places, has been vacant since 1999.

It's been bought by Provident Realty Advisors of Dallas. They plan to build 90 loft apartments, Downtown Development Authority director Liz Swaine said. Provident hopes to have the first apartments ready in January 2012.

Swaine said apartments will range in size from studios to two-bedroom, two-bath units. The average apartment size will be 800 square feet and the building will have a swimming pool, fitness center and business center, Swaine said.

The building can be seen as you come onto and off interstate exits into downtown Shreveport."


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