Monday, January 2, 2012

Leonardo / Michelangelo quiz All answers will be a) Leonardo or b) Michelangelo or c) neither.

Cere: Mike e Leo
Originally uploaded by agennari
Leonardo / Michelangelo quiz
All answers will be a) Leonardo or b) Michelangelo or c) neither.
1. Life of this artist slightly preceded the life of his contemporary Renaissance fellow.
2. Geologist, cartographer, architect, engineer, mathematician.
3. From the region of Tuscany / Florence, the town of Vinci.
4. "The empirical methods he employed were unusual for his time," said Wikipedia.
a) intuitive, deeply understood b) by means of observation, experimentation or by the evidence c) as revealed by a conscious awareness of an ultimate reality.
5. Much of his work in Milano under the patronage of Ludovico el Moro.
6. Spent his last years in France in a chateau given him by Francis I.
7. Vitruvian Man, or the Canon of Proportions.
8. Ponte Vecchio, a Medieval bridge notable for being lined with shops, is in the city of __ . a) Milano b) Florence / Firenze c) Roma d) Venetia.
9. Primarily known as a painter.
10. The Last Supper.
11. The Mona Lisa.
12. Collection of sketch-filled, annotated notebooks; some 13,000 pages.
13. Experimentation and procrastination.
14. Concepts of the helicopter, armored tank, solar power.
15. An artistic apprenticeship would have included lessons in metallurgy, chemistry and carpentry. T / F
16. Contains egg yolk as a binder: a) oil paint b) tempera paint c) fresco.
17. The Gran Cavallo, or giant horse.
18. Worked as military architect and engineer for Cesare Borgia, for whom he created the map of the town of Imola.
19. La Gioconda, the "laughing one."
20. Notable painting in monks' refectory in the Convent of Santa Maria della Grazie in Milan.
21. Study of anatomy and production of anatomic sketches.
22. Mother and son sculpture known as the Pieta.
23. Statue of 17 feet height of the biblical hero David.
24. Paintings of scenes from Genesis on the ceiling and The Last Judgment on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Rome.
25. Architect of St Peter's Basilica, Rome.
26. Attended the Humanist academy in which the Medici had been inspired by Plato.
27."One of you will betray me."
28. Widely regarded as handsome; posed as a artist's model.
29. Donatello's bronze statue of David.
30. Statue in front of the Palazzo Vecchio that was symbolic of the independence of the city-state of Florence.
31. Statue of Moses - which crowns the sarcophagus of the tomb of Pope Julius II.
32. Four years of painting upon a scaffolding.
33. The Vatican / Sistine mural called The Last Judgement.
34. "However rich I may have been, I have always lived like a poor man."

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