Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fine arts survey: basic film cameras, terms that remain mostly applicable today


Direct focusing control
Precise framing
Depth-of-field control (if available)
Unlimited lens/filter options
Ability to use tilt/shift, macro and long lenses
efficient flare check in contra-light

Quiet and practically vibration-free
Very bright, aperture independent viewfinder
Superb wide-angle and normal lenses
Maximum optical quality at f/4-5.6, while excellent at maximum apertures
Short shutter lag

Large and heavy
Vibrations restrict hand-hold photography
Retrofocus design plagues wide-angle lenses
Maximum optical quality at f/8-11 while often mediocre at maximum apertures for 28-80 lenses.
Often considerable shutter lag
Dark viewfinder with f/5.6 and slower lenses

Telephoto lenses are limited to 135 mm or shorter (coincident rangefinder cameras)
Awkward macro-photography (if possible at all)
Possible parallax errors at close-up focusing
Rudimentary depth-of-field control
Focus control is indirect
polarizers cannot be used (without major obstacles)
potential mismatch between lens flare vs rangefinder

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