Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Chai, ciao: fine arts vocab / Fantastic Mr Fox

Fine arts vocab
Originally uploaded by trudeau
- chai: Asian term for tea
- ciao: Italian for hello or goodbye
- Hemingway: Asked what was essential for a great writer, Ernest Hemingway responded memorably, "A built-in, shock-proof crap detector."
- Mediterranean: from the Latin word mediterraneus, meaning "in the middle of earth" or "between lands" (medius, "middle, between" + terra, "land, earth").
Vienna: coffee shops for discussion of ideas and art. "Viennese cafés have an extremely long and distinguished history that dates back centuries," says Wikipedia.
Bonn: The home of Beethoven is also the annual site of an enormous crowd celebrating Karneval.
Berlin: modern Berlin seems eclectic in music but has built its recent fame on production of electronica. Ask your uncle about Kraftwerk. Well, ask me about Kraftwerk.

Shreveport Symphony Orchestra opening concert: Sat, Sept 24.

The Fantastic Mr Fox interactive exhibit at Artspace will be visited on a FAS (Fine Arts Survey) field trip. In an unusual turn, the show costs $8 per student.

- mnemonic: memory aid
- acquired taste: Wikipedia says, "An acquired taste often refers to an appreciation for a food or beverage that is unlikely to be enjoyed by a person who has not had substantial exposure to it, usually because of some unfamiliar aspect of the food or beverage, including a strong or strange odor (e.g. stinky tofu, kimchi, haggis, hákarl, black salt, asafoetida, or certain types of cheese), taste (such as bitter teas or natto), or appearance.

Acquired taste may also refer to aesthetic tastes, such as taste in music or other forms of art.
- opus: a musical composition or a literary work or composition, as a book: Have you read her latest opus?
- secular : of or relating to the worldly or temporal b : not overtly or specifically religious c : not ecclesiastical or clerical .
- terra cotta: Italian: "baked earth", from the Latin terra cotta.

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