Thursday, April 28, 2011

On The Road and the Beat writers quiz

Fine arts in the 50's and 60's

For your answers, choose between (last names only) Allen Ginsberg William S Burroughs Jack Kerouac Tom Wolfe Lewis Carroll Edward Lear Edward Albee Bob Dylan Beatles.

1. On the Road, the picaresque novel published in 1957.
2. Howl, the long poem which was censored by an obscenity trial in San Francisco.
3. "The Scroobious Pip," a nonsense piece that influenced 60's writers.
4. The vile quasi-novel, Naked Lunch. Was banned in Boston as obscene.
5. The satiric drama Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf.
6. Though adopted, was raised by a wealthy family in Manhattan.
7. Became a student at Columbia University through a football scholarship.
8. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
9. The author of "Jabberwocky."
10. "Blowin' in the Wind" and "The Times They Are a-Changin'"
11. Marriage and alcoholism.
12. Writing similar to that of Mark Twain or F. Scott Fitzgerald.
13. Within you, without you," "She's leaving home."
14. The novel The Dharma Bums.
15. Spontaneous prose was part of his style.
16. Philosophical inquiry in the midst of the headlong pursuit of drugs, drink and sex.
17. The second city - after NYC - for many of the Beat writers: a) Chicago b) Houston c) New Orleans d) San Francisco.

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