Friday, January 7, 2011

Masks, an ancient art form - second semester fine arts project

Making masks is very global as well as very Louisiana.
We have Carnival, therefore we have masking. It's part of Bayou State history.

Artists have long seen the mask as a touchstone. An example might be the influence of the African mask upon Picasso's creation of the epochal painting "Demoiselles d' Avignon."

In this project our task is produce an artful mask suitable for Carnival.
Though Fat Tuesday is not til March 8, this is Carnival season, a time for King Cakes, balls, fetes and costume planning.

The project -

Print out an illustration of the mask or masks on which you are modeling your work.
Examples -
- the New Orleans mask
- the Cajun mask
- the Venetian mask
- the African mask
- the Other Ethnic mask
- the Medieval plague mask
- the Burning Man mask (above)
- the Sci-fi mask
etc, etc

Create a sketch or digital assemblage that is the proposed design. Have it approved by your instructor.

Create the mask.
One design consideration is the ability to attach it to a bulletin board / display panel.
Include a title and your name.

15 pts
deadline tba.

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