Thursday, December 9, 2010

La cuisine: the vocab of French cooking

Paris 07
Originally uploaded by trudeau
The Fine Art of French cooking
vocab -

* Escargots Burguignon: snails served in a garlic-butter sauce.
* fromage: cheese
* brie: a type of goat cheese
* mayonnaise: sauce of olive oil, eggs, lemon, etc.
* pomme de terre frites: french fries (aka "frites")
* ecrevisses: crawfish
* boudin noir: rice-filled pork sausage - with congealed blood.
* pate de foie gras: liver paste; made of fattened goose livers.
* truffles: underground fungal plant & snob appeal food
* boeuf Burguignon: beef stew with wine
* petit dejeuner : breakfast
* dejeuner: lunch (typically, 2 hours)
* le diner: supper (2 hrs later than American supper).
* pain perdu: French toast.
* le pain: bread. a baguette is a long, thin loaf of French bread.
* quiche Lorraine: egg-cheese pie.
* Perrier: bottled, sparkling water from France.
* Bon appetit! "Good eating!"
* un apéritif - cocktail, pre-dinner drink
* le café - coffee
* un œuf, des œufs egg, eggs
* le sel salt
* le sucre sugar
* a la carte - from the menu; more expensive than ordering le prix fixe (the supper recommended by the restaurant).
* oenophile - wine connoiseur
* champagne - sparkling wine, which is twice-fermented, from the region of Champagne.
- liqueur - fortified, often fruit-flavored wines (about 40% alcohol as opposed to the 15 - 18 % of an ordinary Bordeaux), such as Amaretto (almond flavored), Grand Marnier (orange-flavored), Ouzo (licorice-flavored) and Creme de Menthe (mint-flavored).
- brandy - a strong, distilled wine; example: cognac from the Perigord region of France.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

helpful list of French words. French toast is also called "Pain doré" in Québec ;)

French course