Thursday, August 27, 2009

Evaluating the Graffiti exhibit at Artspace Shreveport

Shreveport graffiti
Originally uploaded by trudeau
Additional guidelines for writing a traditional review of an art exhibit

* Describe the most dramatic piece that you remember. In either a direct or indirect way you can show your enjoyment and approval of this image. Or, likewise, you can begin to express your reservations or disapproval.
* Offer an overview of the experience or package: ie: videos, photos, paintings, participation wall, people, etc.
* Big Picture perspective: how does this flow with national or international events or concerns? Relevant?
* Philosophical prespective: worthy work? Provocative concept? Ho hum? Be sure to offer reasons for your judgment.
* For what audience do you judge this to be suitable? Why?
* Dates, hours, people and organization, location, parking, online site(s).
* Try not to slash and burn. Be diplomatic and measured in both praise and pejorative evaluations. Your reader expects you to find both things that are positive as well as not so positive (improvement needed) to say about an exhibit.

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